Windows FAQ

Herbs, in the Materia Medica section of TCM Clinic Aid, have been updated to the latest version of Bensky. Below is a list of herbs names that have changed in order to be more consistent with the primary resources (also including Chen & Chen).

Updated Herbs to Bensky, 3rd Edition

  • Name changes
    Old NameNew Name
    bai mu eryin er
    dou juanda dou juan
    e guan shizhong ru shi
    gu yasu ya
    bai ji lici ji li
    hai ge kege ke
    han lian caomo han lian
    huai hua mihuai mi
    hu tao renhe tao ren
    jia cai zijiu cai zi
    ku lian gen piku lian pi
    lian xinlian zi xin
    lu feng fangfeng fang
    ming fanbai fan
    nuo dao gen xunuo dao gen
    qian cao genqian cao
    sha yuan ji lisha yuan zi
    wei jingwei jiang
    yu liang shiyu yu liang
    zi bei tian kuihong tian kui
    bai fu zizhi bai fu zi
    ban xiazhi ban xia
    chuan wuzhi chuan wu
    cao wuzhi cao wu
    fu zizhi fu zi
    he shou wuzhi he shou wu
    tian nan xingzhi tian nan xing

This actually does exist. You do have the ability to create favorite lists. A favorite list can be created for Auricular, Diagnosis, Herbs, Formulas, and Points.

From the main screen of TCM Clinic Aid, click on the Signpost, Toolbox, at the lower right corner, and then click on the link to Using Favorite Lists. This will explain how to setup your favorite list and how to use them.

Once you have created your list, let’s say for Herbs, when you are in Quiz Yourself, you would select, for example:

  1. Test Area: Herbs,
  2. Test Type: Identification by Image,
  3. select Specifics tab,
  4. instead of selecting a category, you can select to be tested on you Favorite List. This option will appear after 20 Random Herbs, i.e., 10 Favorite Herbs.

There’s also another way for testing subsets of herbs and formulas. You can create your own herb and formula categories. You can populate them with the herbs and formulas of your choice, and then test yourself on these categories.

Updated CALE Herbs and Formulas to CALE 2014 Prep Guide.

Here is a list of Alternate Names for herbs in the CALE list, as found in Appendix E, page E-31:

CALE Herb Name   Alternate Herb Name
Ban XiaZhi Ban Xia1
Bei MuChuan Bei Mu1
Bi BoBi Ba
Cao WuZhi Cao Wu1
Di HuangSheng Di Huang
Dou KouBai Dou Kou
Fang JiHan Fang Ji
Fen Bi XieBi Xie
Fu ZiZhi Fu Zi1
Gu YaSu Ya1
Gua Lou ZiGua Lou Ren
Hu Tao RenHe Tao Ren1
Huai Hua MiHuai Mi1
Huang BoHuang Bai
Ji LiCi Ji Li
Ku Xing RenXing Ren
Long DanLong Dan Cao
Mai DongMai Men Dong
Shou Wu TengYe Jiao Teng
Tian DongTian Men Dong
Tian Nan XingZhi Tian Nan Xing1
Yi ZhiYe Zhi Ren
Yin ChenYin Chen Hao
Zhe ShiDai Zhe Shi
Zhi QiaoZhi Ke


  1. These names conform to the naming convention used by Bensky, 3rd Edition.

Here is a list of Alternate Names for formulas, following updates to Bensky, 2nd Edition:

CALE Formula Name   Alternate Formula Name
Jin Gui Shen Qi WanShen Qi Wan